Meeting at: Grace Classical Academy 2438 E Cherry St Springfield, MO 65802

Sundays 10:00 AM | (573) 680-7902

Sermon Audio:When I’m Alone in Darkness (Psalm 88)


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Sunday, April 05, 2020

When I'm Alone in Darkness (Psalm 88)

Chase Replogle


The Bible is never sentimental about our suffering. It never peddles easy solutions or gimmicks. It is honest about the ways suffering leaves us feeling isolated and in darkness. But there is a kind of mercy in that this psalm even exists—that the Bible is willing to be this honest. That mercy trains us for our own days of suffering.

Psalm 88 is known as an imprecatory psalm. It is one of the most extreme laments in the psalter. Yet it too has been a part of believer’s worship for centuries.


Scripture Reference



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