Meeting at: Grace Classical Academy 2438 E Cherry St Springfield, MO 65802

Sundays 10:00 AM | (573) 680-7902

Sermon Audio:Learning to Receive (Psalm 133)


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Sunday, August 02, 2020

Learning to Receive (Psalm 133)

Chase Replogle


Sermon Audio

As we near the end of our psalms of ascent, the pilgrim’s attention is turned to the community ahead—a nation worshiping together in Israel.

But it can all seem like our accomplishment: our journey, our success, our worship. Psalm 133 teaches us that community is never an achievement. Psalm 133 teaches us how to receive it.

Questions for Reflection

  • Why is it hard for us to dwell together in unity?
  • How can we think of unity as our own achievement?
  • How does Psalm 133 teach us to receive it?
  • How is this received unity a greater gift?

Scripture Reference



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