In This Series
- John the Revelator
- To The Church At Ephesus
- To The Church At Smyrna
- To The Church At Pergamum
- To The Church At Thyatira
- To The Church At Sardis
- To The Church at Philadelphia
- To The Church At Laodicea
- The Throne and The Lamb
- The Seven Seals
- The Seven Trumpets
- The Little Scroll and The Two Witnesses
- The Woman And The Dragon
- The Dragon's Beasts
- The Angel's Warnings
- The End of Judgment
- The Prostitute and the Dragon
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
- The Millennium and The Judgment
- The New Heaven and The New Earth
Series Info
Revelation (20)
Sunday, August 27, 2017
To The Church at Philadelphia
Chase Replogle
The church at Philadelphia was up against a lot. Jewish persecution, Roman disdain, a town that was being abandoned and under constant risk. But in the midst of it was this congregation of believers.
Jesus tells them that he has set a door of opportunity before them; all they must do is believe with patient endurance. That request is hard when we want to take charge and create our own opportunities.