In This Series
- John the Revelator
- To The Church At Ephesus
- To The Church At Smyrna
- To The Church At Pergamum
- To The Church At Thyatira
- To The Church At Sardis
- To The Church at Philadelphia
- To The Church At Laodicea
- The Throne and The Lamb
- The Seven Seals
- The Seven Trumpets
- The Little Scroll and The Two Witnesses
- The Woman And The Dragon
- The Dragon's Beasts
- The Angel's Warnings
- The End of Judgment
- The Prostitute and the Dragon
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
- The Millennium and The Judgment
- The New Heaven and The New Earth
Series Info
Revelation (20)
Sunday, September 03, 2017
To The Church At Laodicea
Chase Replogle
The church at Laodicea was rich and self-sufficient. They had convinced themselves they were content. But their contentment was a flimsy, self-constructed, Godless pride.
Jesus has strong words for this church, but he reproves those he loves and he holds open the possibility that this church may hear his knock and allow him in.