In This Series
- Hannah's Barrenness
- The Call of Samuel
- The Ark is Lost
- The Philistines and the Ark
- The Ark Returns to Israel
- Samuel Leads Israel in Repentance
- Israel Demands a King
- Saul and the Lost Donkeys
- Saul's First Victory
- The Anatomy of Saul's Sin
- Jonathan and Saul on Courage
- Saul's Rash Oath
- Saul's Self-Delusion
- An Introduction to David
- Saul & David: The Story Beneath the Story
- David and Saul And Goliath
- David and Jonathan on Friendship
- Saul Becomes David's Enemey
- Holy Bread: Gifts for the Wilderness
- Wilderness Listening
- Wilderness Watching
- Wilderness Hunger
- David's Complicated Exit
- Surprising Generosity
Series Info
First Samuel (24)
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Wilderness Hunger
Chase Replogle
We are shocked at how quickly the life is drained out of David. With one insult from the nobody Nabal, David finds himself craving vengeance. Death and ugliness take over the story. Worse, he assumes God is by his side.
But David is stopped. He is brought to a stop by beauty. Not just a beautiful face, but words that pour the light of God into the barren wilderness landscape. David’s hunger is refined.