Meeting at: Grace Classical Academy 2438 E Cherry St Springfield, MO 65802

Sundays 10:00 AM | (573) 680-7902

Sermon Audio:David and the Cursing of Shimei


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Sunday, May 06, 2018

David and the Cursing of Shimei

Chase Replogle


As David flees Jerusalem, he encounters various individuals. Some speak of faithfulness, others violence, and Shimei comes with words of condemnation. As David passes, Shimei shots down curses.

We don’t like to surround ourselves with people like Shimei. In looking for advisors, we prefer affirmation and positivity. But David is willing to hear Shimei’s words. As one commentator put it, Shemi’s curses “stripped off the royal veneer” of David’s public image. Shemei’s curses forced David’s integrity, the truth of who he was, to become his public reality.

Scripture Reference

2 Samuel


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