Meeting at: Grace Classical Academy 2438 E Cherry St Springfield, MO 65802

Sundays 10:00 AM | (573) 680-7902

Sermon Audio:The Crowd (Acts 14:19-28)


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Sunday, October 07, 2018

The Crowd (Acts 14:19-28)

Chase Replogle


The crowds are becoming a major theme in the book of Acts. From Pentecost to the preaching in the temple, from the mob of the Sanhedrin at Stephen’s stoning to the frenzy of the crowd at Lystra, crowds play an increasingly important role in the narrative.

But look never presents the church as a crowd. Christians never take to the streets to make their points. Instead, we are given the stories of individual lives: Ananias, Cornelius, an Ethiopian servant, Dorcus, Joseph, Rhoda.

Scripture Reference



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